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Wombat Creek Tramways

Wombat Creek is a H0 (1:87) scale model of a fictional town situated somewhere in the Victorian Goldfields, Australia.

The time is 1963. Geelong wins the VFL Championship against Hawthorn (109– 60). John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas. ValentinaTeresjkova is the first woman in Space. The men behind The Great Train Robbery get £2.6 million from a Royal Mail train heading from Glasgow to London.

The town consists of several buildings. The “Wombat Creek Bank and Gold Exchange” is a prominent building in the town centre. You will also find several other commercial buildings; among them the daily newspaper“W.C. Chronicle”(colloquial known as the "Toilet Paper") and “Wombat Creek Brewing Company” (Famous for the “Wombat Bitter”). “The Big Nugget Gold Mine” is situated at the Western outskirts of town near the small Chinatown. The War Memorial is in a small park along East Street.

The town’s mayor Alfred Campbell together with his son David Campbell owns several businesses, including the bank, the pub and the newspaper. AC/DC basically run the town and make most decisions on behalf of the rest of Wombat Creek’s residents, who, on the other hand, are too busy with their own businesses.

The mayor’s latest initiative is Wombat Creek Tramways. Wombat Creek doesn’t really need a tram system, but AC reckons tramways will improve the town’s reputation. Partly because of limited funds the tramways' construction and rolling stock depend heavily on second-hand requirements from other Australian and overseas tramways.

Buildings and Features in Wombat Creek

Uncategorised Posted on Fri, July 16, 2021 15:57:09
Building / Construction / FeatureFinishedIn ProgressPlanned
Bakery ‘Wombat Creek’Fphoto
Bar ‘The Wombat Cave’Fphoto
Barristor ‘Lawson and Partners’Fphoto
Brewery ‘Wombat Creek Brewing Company’Fphoto
Butcher ‘A.J. Roberts’Fphoto
Chinese Restaurant ‘Golden Dragon’Fphoto
Church Street, shop #1 ‘Antiques’Fphoto
Church Street, shop #2 ‘Real Estate Agent LJ Hooker’Fphoto
Church Street, shop #3 ‘Tiles and Taps’Fphoto
Church Street, shop #4 ‘TAB’Fphoto
Church Street, shop #5 ‘Bottle Shop’Fphoto
Church Street, shop #6 ‘Veterinarian’Fphoto
Church Street, shop #7 ‘Burke & Wills Surviors’Fphoto
Church Street, shop #8 ‘Pet Shop’Fphoto
Church Street, shop #9 ‘To Let’Fphoto
Church Street, shop #10Fphoto
Church Street, shop #11 ‘Toy Shop’Fphoto
Church Street, shop #12 ‘Rugs’Fphoto
Church Street, shop #13 ‘Tiny Trends’Fphoto
Coffe shop ‘Bert. Edwards’ Tea Rooms’Fphoto
Coles StoresFphoto
Dentist ‘Molar’Fphoto
Doctor ‘Paine’Fphoto
Electrician ‘Gilbert Electrical’Fphoto
Emporium ‘Raven’s’Fphoto
Fibro House #1Fphoto
Fibro House #2Fphoto
Florist ‘Flowers on the Corner’Fphoto
Funeral Director ‘Bell Brothers – Best in the Ground’Fphoto
Furniture Shop ‘ Simpson Lee & Co.’Fphoto
Goldsmith ‘Goldstein’Fphoto
Green grocer ‘Pears’Fphoto
Haberdashery ‘Buttons’Fphoto
Hairdresser ‘Chez Alberto – Curl Up and Dye’Fphoto
Hardware ‘Allan W. Taylor & Co.’Fphoto
Joinery ‘Ray Knott’Fphoto
Ladies Fashion ‘Manning & Co.’Fphoto
Milk barFphoto
Newspaper ‘Wombat Creek Cronicle’Fphoto
Old tram shedFphoto
Petrol station ‘Golden Fleece’Fphoto
Pharmacist ‘John McCoff’Fphoto
Photographer ‘J.F. Hurley’Fphoto
Post officeFphoto
Public toilet ‘Victoria Square’Fphoto
Pub ‘Mug Punter Hotel’Fphoto
Radio TV Cycles ‘Hillman’Fphoto
Stock and Land Agent ‘Kookaburra’Fphoto
Tailor ‘ Boyson’Fphoto
Town hallFphoto
Tram depotFphoto
Tram stop ‘East Street’F
Tram stop ‘Victoria Street’Fphoto
War MemorialFphoto
Watchmaker ‘McFarlane & Son’Fphoto
Water TowerFphoto
Woody’s Timber YardFphoto
Factory ‘Vinegar’IP
Department StoreIPphoto
Hotel ‘Duncan & Fraser’IPphoto
Mechanics’ InstituteIP
Plumber ‘Leaky’IPphoto
Queen Victoria MarketIPphoto
Shoe shop ‘C. Row Rauert’IPphoto
Coal DepotP
Fire stationP
Police stationP
Statue ‘Queen Victoria’P
Finished (for the time being)63
In progress9

Happy proprietor

Text & photos from Wombat Creek Tramways Posted on Fri, July 16, 2021 15:42:21
wct 210716

The arrival of 200 people in Wombat Creek yesterday made the proprietor of Duncan and Fraser very happy. He sees great business potential after the arrivals have undergone some dress-up (read painting), and fortunately the year in Wombat Creek is 1963 and not 2021. The real life hotel (Young & Jackson) has had a couple of Covid-19 cases and is – like the rest of Victoria – in lock-down again.