wct 240921a

Current and former employees of Wombat Creek Tramways have formed a group called Wombat Creek steam Trams, WCsT. The purpose is to re-introduce steam trams to Victoria and Wombat Creek. Unlike New South Wales steam trams were rare in Victoria. Only Bendigo and Sorrento operated steam trams. Unfortunate no original steam trams have be preserved. Instead the group will convert foreign trams into Victorian ‘look-alikes’. The board of Wombat Creek Tramways supports the efforts and generously allowed WCsT access to the small shed, which will served as a workshop.

In reality the workshop looks like this:

wct 240922

From left to right is an electric tram (belongs to the Tramways) of unknown brand. The tram will be rebuilt as a Melbourne U class. The yellow chassis belongs to WCsT and will be used for transport of coal. The boiler and green body are from an Atlas model of steam tram from Bern, Switzerland. After a thorough reconstruction the model will re-appear as an example of a steam tram from Bendigo. The 3D printed model to the right is based on a narrow gauge Baldwin 0-4-0 locomotive used by the Sorrento Tramways. However, this version has been re-gauged to standard gauge.