‘Mug Punter Hotel’ next to the entrance to the Racecourse is now open
for business. Only a few details are missing (e.g. steps near the
doors). The building itself is modelled after a small hotel/pub in
Hill Maritime Museum and Village”, Warrnambool. Because the
original hotel is quite small the model has been extended with an
extra set of windows to the left and right of the main entrance. The
back of the hotel is not modelled after the one in Warrnambool but
designed to fit the space on the lay-out.

(Large photo)

model is made out of cardboard covered with ‘Semi rough cut grit/sand
stone’ from Metcalfe. The tiles on the roof is also from Metcalfe.
Windows are cut from thin plastic sheet. The signs and the banner are
made in Photoshop and printed on 300 gr. paper.

(Large photo)

lay-out of ‘Wombat Creek Tramways’ is set in year 1963 – the year
the Seekers produced their first album ‘Introducing
the Seekers’, so tonight’s concert is really a scoop for the ‘Mug
Punter’. The audience is quite big so some have gone to the veranda
for some fresh air – even with the first floor windows all open.