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Wombat Creek Tramways

Wombat Creek is a H0 (1:87) scale model of a fictional town situated somewhere in the Victorian Goldfields, Australia.

The time is 1963. Geelong wins the VFL Championship against Hawthorn (109– 60). John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas. ValentinaTeresjkova is the first woman in Space. The men behind The Great Train Robbery get £2.6 million from a Royal Mail train heading from Glasgow to London.

The town consists of several buildings. The “Wombat Creek Bank and Gold Exchange” is a prominent building in the town centre. You will also find several other commercial buildings; among them the daily newspaper“W.C. Chronicle”(colloquial known as the "Toilet Paper") and “Wombat Creek Brewing Company” (Famous for the “Wombat Bitter”). “The Big Nugget Gold Mine” is situated at the Western outskirts of town near the small Chinatown. The War Memorial is in a small park along East Street.

The town’s mayor Alfred Campbell together with his son David Campbell owns several businesses, including the bank, the pub and the newspaper. AC/DC basically run the town and make most decisions on behalf of the rest of Wombat Creek’s residents, who, on the other hand, are too busy with their own businesses.

The mayor’s latest initiative is Wombat Creek Tramways. Wombat Creek doesn’t really need a tram system, but AC reckons tramways will improve the town’s reputation. Partly because of limited funds the tramways' construction and rolling stock depend heavily on second-hand requirements from other Australian and overseas tramways.

The signal box is finally finished

Text & photos from Wombat Creek Tramways Posted on Sun, June 02, 2024 17:27:52
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The signal box is operational. Only signage is missing. To the left is the ladies’ toilets. Mr. James is on his way to relieve himself in the gentlemen’s’ toilet to the left. The position of this toilet made the job upstairs quite unbearable. The stench of urine in the real world signal box was quite strong despite the ‘stink pipe’ going through the signal box. Daisy and Matilda are gossiping on the bench in front of the building.

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The access to the signal box is via the steps on the side of the building. ‘Health and Safety’ wasn’t around in the early 1900. I have included a mid 1930’s photo from the website Trams Down Under (

Apart from the stench the inspectors’ job must have been very warm on hot summer days. Awnings were not put on the building until later. The door under the signal box leads into a room for all the ‘mechanics’.

Almost ready for service

Text & photos from Wombat Creek Tramways Posted on Tue, May 21, 2024 17:21:40
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Sunday was a rainy day in Wombat Creek (and Melbourne), but the builders managed to get a roof on the signal box and toilets.

A little progress

Text & photos from Wombat Creek Tramways Posted on Tue, May 14, 2024 18:07:43
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Better get a roof up before the winter rains set in. We can’t have a wet inspector in the signal box!


Text & photos from Wombat Creek Tramways Posted on Fri, May 10, 2024 17:50:13
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Windows and a ‘boxy’ structure added to this heritage listed building from Melbourne’s CBD.

Vital tramways infrastructure

Text & photos from Wombat Creek Tramways Posted on Wed, May 08, 2024 18:03:18
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This rather unusual structure of a building will, when finished, be very important for the tramways running trams to and from the explosives factory. As seen on the photo the workers has got the walls up and the doors installed. The building is situated in a very tight spot. The footpaths around the building will need to be widened,

A mouthwatering success

Text & photos from Wombat Creek Tramways Posted on Tue, April 30, 2024 14:32:08

In 1962 ten Mr. Whippy ice cream vans were imported to Sydney from England. They were an instant success, and rumours of the vans soon reached Wombat Creek and Mr Di Mascio. With a talent for business and a love of Italian Gelati Mr Di Mascio went to Melbourne and bought an Oxford ice cream van. Back home in Wombat Creek Mr Di Mascio took the vehicle apart, cut out the middle window on one side and installed posters of various ice creams behind the other windows.* Realising a middle-age balding man probably wouldn’t attract a lot of customers he place himself in the driver’s seat and engaged his better looking daughter as the ice cream seller. Judging by the length of the queue the business concept seems to be right – or the ice creams simply too good!

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* Of course Mr Di Mascio didn’t take the van apart. He is a fictional figure in fictional Wombat Creek. I did the altering myself!

Tram shelter ver. 2.0

Text & photos from Wombat Creek Tramways Posted on Thu, April 25, 2024 13:22:03
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After a couple of months working at the mine railway I got time to do some work at the Tramways. A new shelter (stop) has been erected opposite the terraced houses in the Golden Mile. The shelter is inspired by a heritage listed shelter in Kew, Melbourne. The original cast iron tram shelter was designed by the Prahran & Malvern Tramways Trust and erected in 1916/17.

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Tram shelter ver. 1.0 was scrapped being too tall and too narrow, but I think this one has the right proportions/dimensions. I even got the ‘wonky’ benches in place.

So far – so good

Text and photos from Wombat Creek Consolidated Mines Pty Ltd Posted on Thu, April 11, 2024 18:13:25

After a few days with the focus on the narrow gauge railway it is time to relax and enjoy the progress.

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A watermill used to pump water into the water tank but it looks like, it has seen better days. It is built from scratch, A bit fiddly but it came out all right. Of course it is an example of the ‘Southern Cross’ windmill.

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The water tank is now filled by a diesel pump housed in the little shed. The water comes straight from the creek through the cast iron pipe. The shed worker is having a little time off trying his luck with his fishing rod. The pole with its little cabinet is clearly inspired from the photo in a previous post.

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The fourth photo shows the new pavers along the big shed. The steps from the platform are still in the making. The oil drums on the NQR wagon are branded ‘Golden Fleece’. The colours are right but not sure, if the oil company ever had drums this size.

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