With the cast iron lace installed above the first floor and the second floor the terraced houses are finished. Still need a fence along the footpath.
All done
Text & photos from Wombat Creek Tramways Posted on Sat, February 03, 2024 17:13:52- Comments(0) https://wct.payne-ellef.dk/?p=747
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No. 7, Golden Mile
Text & photos from Wombat Creek Tramways Posted on Sat, January 27, 2024 12:47:49It is afternoon and Mrs. Nelson is in her garden reading a gardening book. She needs some ideas for planting along the south facing wall. How do we know it is afternoon? Look at the sunflowers. They are facing towards north west and the sun. Which leaves us with a conundrum. The sunflowers are quite mature for the time of the year. The date is Sunday the 7th of October. How could we know?
Well, a worker at the tram shed is reading about Geelong’s defeat of Hawthorn in the Grand Final the day before. Okay, just a not quite right detail!
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No 5, Golden Mile
Text & photos from Wombat Creek Tramways Posted on Wed, January 24, 2024 21:15:32Not much to remark about no. 5, the number engraved in the glass above the entrance door. Mr. Smith is clearly fond of riding his bicycle. He has chosen a very bold colour for a 1963’s bicycle, but being parked in front of the house it serves as a focus point for the onlookers.
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No. 3, Golden Mile
Text & photos from Wombat Creek Tramways Posted on Mon, January 22, 2024 21:54:58The four terraced houses on the Golden Mile are designed to be unique and exclusive. To keep this exclusiveness certain rules applies to the exteriors. All window and door frames are to be the same shade of green. Well, the McNaught family in no. 3 are not into rules and have painted their windows and doors dark blue! Perhaps a ‘-y’ should be added to the family surname.
At the back of their property a panel has gone missing in the fence. Did it just fall of or did the kids pull it off? Who knows, but the missing board gives the two kids a good view of the mine and the steam trains.
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No. 1, Golden Mile
Text & photos from Wombat Creek Tramways Posted on Fri, January 19, 2024 19:02:47Mr. James greets Mrs. Paterson tending to her roses. Though her garden is rather small Mrs. Paterson is a keen gardener and especially likes roses.
The 10 rose bushes are each made from six stems glued to a base. They are from a Busch kit with a total of 120 individual stems. It requires a very steady hand to glue the flowers to the stems. In an Australian fashion the flower bed is covered in mulch – tea leaves.
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The tenants have moved in to No. 1 -7 Golden Mile
Text & photos from Wombat Creek Tramways Posted on Thu, January 11, 2024 16:49:05With only the ‘lace work’ under the eaves and under the front veranda missing the tenants have moved in. They are also waiting for the front fence to be installed.
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Complicated roofs
Text & photos from Wombat Creek Tramways Posted on Fri, January 05, 2024 13:21:10Being a teacher of Mathematics I enjoyed the geometry of the roofs with all the trapeziums, triangles and parallelograms. What I didn’t enjoy was the time it took to put it all together!
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Job done
Text & photos from Wombat Creek Tramways Posted on Tue, January 02, 2024 17:38:11The joiners from Ray Knott’s Joinery are packing up their VW after a job well done. 40 windows and 8 doors installed in one day!
- Comments(0) https://wct.payne-ellef.dk/?p=729
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